Mental Health/Emotional Wellbeing
- Nottinghamshire Healthcare – Let’s Talk Wellbeing – This is a self-referral service
- Leicester Centre for Pyschodynamic Counselling – Offers a free assessment and low-cost appointments
- Young Minds – A comprehensive resource on all aspects of mental health and well-being for young people and parents. Parent helpline : 0808 802 5544
- Samaritans – A site that provides confidential and emotional support 24hrs a day in email, telephone, letter and face to face. Local number Tel: 0116 2700 007 or 08457 90 90 90
- Sane – A website which aims to improve the quality of life for people affected by mental illness Saneline: 0845 767 80000
- Mind – Information to help and promote a better understanding of mental health
- Mental Health Foundation – A mental health foundation charity providing information, research, campaigns and advice to anyone affected by mental health
- Teens Health – Information on body image, families, emotions and how to deal with it
- Calm – advice targeted at men aged 15 – 35, help, info and advice on any issue. Helpline 0800 027 2982
- KOOTH – Free online support for young people with access to online counsellors.
- Time to Change – A charity to support those suffering from mental health issues.
- Rethink A national charity that offers plentiful online advice and information about mental health.
- Stay Alive Produced by Grassroots Suicide Prevention, this is a pocket resource aimed at helping people to stay safe. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide. It includes a lot of information, including a safety plan feature:
- Google/Android App download
- Apple/iTunes App download
- Papyrus – A national charity for the prevention of young suicide. They also offer HOPELineUK a confidential advice and support service. 080006841 Text: 07786 209697 Email: [email protected] (Monday to Friday 10am-10pm; Saturday to Sunday 2pm-10pm).